#YoTambienExijo: A Restaging of Tania Bruguera’s “Tatlin’s Whisper 6”

Where: Conflict Kitchen

When: Monday, April 13th from noon-3pm

Conflict Kitchen is joining Creative Time, Hammer MuseumNasher Sculpture Center, Dallas Museum of Art, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and many others to re-stage “Tatlin’s Whisper #6” on Monday April 13 at noon. All are invited to step up and speak freely for one minute about freedom of speech as part of the performance.

By restaging Tania Bruguera’s participatory artwork, we stand in solidarity with her, Angel Santiesteban, Danilo Maldonado “El Sexto,” and all other artists around the world who face criminal charges and violence for exercising their basic human right to free expression. As article 19 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers



For more information:

On “Tatlin’s Whisper 6”

On Tania Bruguera

On Angel Santiesteban

Danilo Maldonado “El Sexto”

Universal Declaration of Human Rights


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