Guest Instagrammer: Around Tehran
Over the next two weeks, “Around Tehran”, an anonymous Iranian instagrammer, will take over our Instagram account.
CK: Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background.
CK: What led you to your AroundTehran project?
AroundTehran: When I started Instagramming, I came across some unique pages with photos from certain cities like Pyongyang in North Korea, for example, or other exotic places. I was very much excited to finally see images from daily life in those less seen places. I thought to myself, there can be people around the world who might be as fascinated to see photos from Tehran and daily life in the megacity. I know for a fact that many people in the west don’t know much about Iran and seeing first hand street photos may help them having a fairer image. Moreover, my photos and effort are also dedicated to all Iranian expats who have had, or chosen, to live abroad for a reason or another.
CK: What is a typical week like for you?
AroundTehran: I have worked as a freelance trainer and translator for a few years so I am typically involved with workshops and translation projects but I make sure that I do have regular photo walks across the city!
CK: What are your favorite Iranian dishes? What are you eating or cooking on a weekly basis
AroundTehran: My favorite Iranian dish is Khoresht Bademjoon. I cook a lot and I am proud to say that I can cook almost all Iranian foods! Well, I may not be confident with some local dishes like Baghali Ghatogh from the north or Ghaliyeh Maahi from the south, but I am fluent with most of the typical Iranian dishes! To be more specific, I can say that rice is typically a part of my cooking but I try to avoid meat as much as I can.